Temple Shaari Emeth Learning Center is very proud of its 40+ years in early childhood education. Our school provides a warm and nurturing atmosphere where we encourage our children to EXPERIENCE, DISCOVER, LEARN and GROW.
Jayne Lieberman, the ELC Director brings years of experience and knowledge to her position. She is a warm and engaging leader who loves the children. She greets everyone each morning and is present at all times when the ELC is in session. Her staff is fully licensed and dedicated to the success of every child.
The philosophy of the ELC is that the early years are the most important in a child’s life and every moment is a teachable one. As our students grow, the curriculum adapts to meet developmental markers and guidelines. Each age level has a specific age appropriate curriculum infused with academics, arts, discovery time, self awareness and spirituality. Our programming exceeds the requirements of the state and surrounding school districts. Our students also have the joy of sharing Shabbat with our beloved Rabbi Panken and Canto Wally. Trips, special events, holidays and celebrations round out the full experience your child will have.
The Temple Shaari Emeth Early Learning Center offers programs beginning at 3 months of age and continues through to a full day kindergarten. Our students are fully prepared for public school when they graduate. Days and hours are flexible. The needs of parents requiring a flexible schedule are also met by offering early drop off hours and late pick up hours. We have pizza, bagel and chicken finger lunches and our challah program is a huge success.
The indoor gym and outdoor playground offer our students the opportunity for exercise and major motor skill development while our well-equipped classrooms have a wide variety of manipulatives to address fine motor skills.
Please stop by to visit our school to see what makes us so special. For more information, contact Jayne Lieberman at 732-462-3264 or [email protected].