Rebecca Nowalski

East Brunswick Art Gallery will reflect talent of township artists

EAST BRUNSWICK–Showcasing various mediums from photography to watercolor paintings to penciled drawings, the township will highlight its residents’ artwork during its first art gallery.

“Mayor Brad Cohen thought it would be nice to brighten up the municipal building with the work of local township artists. It was decided to start by hanging art in a gallery-type setting in the municipal building’s conference room,” said Jeffrey Litt, recreation coordinator and liaison to the East Brunswick Arts Commission.

According to Litt, the East Brunswick Arts Commission was brought on board by the mayor and Economic Development Officer Jonathan Sternesky to help them contact artists and decide which pieces would look best on display.

The art gallery’s grand opening will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 26 in the large conference room in the municipal building, located at 1 Jean Walling Civic Center. 

According to Litt, the East Brunswick Art Commission will accept submissions from township artists throughout the year.

“We hope to encourage young artists to see what people in their own town are capable of doing, and the vast style of art that is out there to enjoy,” Litt said.

The first gallery will include the work of six different artists, according to Litt.

“Artists can submit up to 10 pieces to be considered for display. The Arts Commission will select the pieces to be displayed throughout the year, with each showing lasting approximately three months,” he said.

So far submissions have included photography, mosaics, watercolor, oil and acrylic painting, and pencils, according to Litt.

“The number of pieces on display will vary dependent on the size of the submissions and the space available in the room,” Litt said.

To submit art for the gallery, email Litt at [email protected].

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].