Guild offers varied art activities for children, adults in Shrewsbury

The Guild of Creative Art has been providing local artists a platform to showcase their artwork for the past 58 years.

The guild is a non-profit organization in Shrewsbury dedicated to providing monthly art exhibits and art instruction in all media to students of all ages. The organization also provides free receptions, docent tours and special events for its members and the public, according to Coordinator of Gallery Exhibits Vicky Culver.

The guild is located at 620 Broad St. between Gloria Nilson and Stafford Smith Realtors.

Culver said it was founded by Yvonne Aubert in May 1960. She asked other artists to join her, and presently there are about 300 members.

“Yvonne and her group met together to paint and stage exhibitions. They put straw mats on the floor and burlap on the walls to create the gallery, and before long the studio was set up to provide classes and workshops,” Culver said. “The guild showcases contemporary art in all media by our members, and also non-members in our open shows.”
According to Culver, the organization also provides two $500 scholarships annually to high school seniors going to an accredited college.
“The guild is a highly prestigious, yet welcoming organization, with many opportunities to exhibit artwork and become involved as a volunteer. Many new and lasting friendships have been made over the years,” Culver said.
Classes for adults are in all-media, beginning drawing, oils, pastels and watercolor, and are held throughout the week. For children, the organization has drawing and painting classes on Saturdays.
“There are figure drawing and portfolio prep for teens as well from time to time, usually in the evenings, or during the summer break. We have a regular Lyrical Abstract Expressionist workshop on Monday evenings and a figure workshop on Tuesday mornings,” Culver said.
According to Culver, a photography workshop with Arik Gorban, the judge of the “Eyesights” Open Juried Photography show, will be held from 7-9 p.m. on March 10. The guild is also planning a repeat watercolor workshop with Dorrie Rifkin, and a “Plein air” landscape workshop with Pratima Rao in the spring.
“We have an informal guild photographers group that meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 7-9 p.m., and a photography workshop in the pipeline with Becca Magrino,” Culver said.
Culver said Guild President David Levy conducts docent tours for different groups sometimes two or three times a week.
“Residents are welcome to join in our activities, and we rely on membership dues, class fees, donations and sales of artwork to keep our doors open,” she said.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].