“Newspapers: the Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly” will be the topic of the March 11 meeting of the Monmouth
County Genealogy Society.
Shamele Jordon will make a return visit to Monmouth
County to present this popular program at 2 p.m. at the Community Center, 72
Broad Street, Eatontown.
Shamele, a professional genealogist, cable TV producer, and writer, will take her
audience into the world of newspapers beyond obituaries to show what researchers
can try when traditional records fall short. She will discuss what is available online
and how to find sources offline.
Shamele can be seen currently on PhillyCAM public access with her unique
“Genealogy Quick Start.” These episodes may be viewed on Facebook at
Shamele describes “Quick Start” as a 30-
minute TV series providing the steps needed to begin researching our ancestry. The
series explores hot topics with everyday people researching family history, as well
as professional researchers.