Water utility upgrades included in host of Marlboro ordinances

MARLBORO – Members of the Marlboro Township Council adopted ordinances at their meeting on Feb. 15 that will provide funding for improvements in the community.

No one from the public commented on any of the ordinances, which were all adopted in unanimous votes by council President Randi Marder, Councilman Jeff Cantor, Councilman Michael Scalea, Councilman Scott Metzger and Councilwoman Carol Mazzola.

One ordinance that was adopted will fund water utility improvements. The council appropriated $2.63 million and authorized the issuance of that same amount in bonds or notes to cover the acquisition of equipment, the rehabilitation of a water tank and the construction of a new backup well and shelter at Tennent Road, among other items.

A second ordinance provides for the lease-purchase financing and acquisition of police cars. According to the ordinance, officials are planning to replace six police vehicles over the next several years. The total principal cost is not to exceed $190,000 financed over three years.

The third ordinance will appropriate $194,477 in grant funding from the New Jersey Green Acres program and $300,000 from Marlboro’s capital surplus account for improvements to athletic fields at the municipal complex.

According to the ordinance, officials plan to construct an artificial turf field to replace a natural turf field. In 2013, officials authorized improvements to the field’s irrigation system, however, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Allocation Bureau would not consider plans to improve the irrigation system.

The Marlboro Soccer Association and the MSA Boosters Inc. have pledged $10,000 per year over 20 years, for a total of $200,000, toward the artificial turf field project, according to the ordinance.

A fourth ordinance was adopted and establishes the salaries and salary ranges for officers and employees of the township for 2018.

The ordinance establishes a salary of $4,800 for the mayor and $3,600 for a council member; a salary range of $85,000 to $154,000 for the business administrator; $65,000 to $118,000 for the municipal clerk; $78,000 to $129,000 for the chief financial officer; $90,000 to $129,000 for the township engineer; $99,900 to $154,000 for the superintendent of public works; $70,000 to $101,000 for the recreation director; $107,000 to $193,000 for the police chief; and $90,000 to $154,000 for the director of community development.

The position of director of community development is not filled. Municipal officials said the duties of the position have been handled by CME Associates, the firm that provides engineering and planning services for Marlboro.

Finally, an ordinance appropriating a $250,000 grant Marlboro received from Monmouth County for the preservation of open space was adopted. The grant will help to fund the township’s acquisition of the Stattel farm on Route 520.

Marder said the preservation of the Stattel property, which at one point was considered a possible location for housing, is very important to Marlboro.

The council president thanked the members of the township’s Farmland, Historic and Open Space Committee for their efforts to preserve open space. Marder said the grant from the county would assist Marlboro with the purchase.