County will help to acquire farmland easement in Howell

HOWELL – The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders will join with three other entities to secure a farmland preservation easement on a property in Howell.

The freeholders recently passed a resolution authorizing the release of funds for a farmland preservation easement at 395 Casino Drive, a 20.62-acre parcel known as Nevergreen Farm and owned by Brad and Barbara Feigus.

The freeholders determined it was necessary and advisable to partner with the Monmouth Conservation Foundation, the state Agricultural Development Committee and Howell to preserve the development easement.

Each party will pay a portion of the total easement cost of $268,060 as follows: New Jersey state share, $114,441; Howell municipal share, $67,788.25; Monmouth County share, $57,220.50; and Monmouth Conservation Foundation share, $28,610.25.

The easement will be held by the Monmouth Conservation Foundation, a nonprofit organization, through the State Grants to Nonprofits Program, according to the resolution. The easement will preclude development from occurring on the farm and ensure the parcel remains intact for agricultural preservation purposes.

In other action related to Howell, the freeholders approved plans for intersection improvements at county Route 524 (Lakewood-Farmingdale Road/Allaire Road), county Route 524A (Squankum-Yellowbrook Road) and county Route 547 (Lakewood-Farmingdale Road).

According to a resolution, Cherry, Weber and Associates prepared plans and specifications for the improvements, and the freeholders reviewed the plans and “found them to be in order and appropriate to the need for these improvements.”

The freeholders approved the plans for public bidding and construction.