MILLSTONE – The Township Committee has adopted an ordinance that will provide $280,000 to be used for technology, safety and building improvements in Millstone Township.
Committee members adopted the bond ordinance at a meeting on Feb. 21.
The ordinance will provide an appropriation of $280,000 for various improvements, with $14,000 as the down payment. To help finance the remaining costs, the ordinance authorizes the issuance of $266,000 in bonds or notes.
According to the ordinance, the improvements are comprised of two categories: technology and safety improvements, and building improvements.
Officials said $184,000 will be appropriated toward technology and safety improvements and $96,000 will be appropriated toward building improvements.
The technology and safety improvements include the acquisition of a recording system in the municipal courtroom, the acquisition and installation of camera and security systems, and the replacement of burglar alarm and fire alarm systems at municipal buildings and parks.
The building improvements include upgrades to the municipal court building and to the Department of Public Works facility.
As part of the improvements, the committee awarded a $9,125 contract to Gramco Business Communications for the installation of a digital recording system in Millstone Township’s municipal courtroom.
The courtroom, at 215 Millstone Road, is also where the Township Committee, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and other municipal boards and commissions meet.
According to the resolution, two quotes were received for the digital recording system: the $9,125 bid from Gramco Business Communications and a $10,666 bid from Office Business Systems. Gramco Business Communications was awarded the contract on the recommendation of the township’s purchasing agent as the lowest responsible vendor.