Operation Purple Heart will designate parking for veterans

MARLBORO – The operator of the Waitt Funeral Home and Cremation Service, Route 79, wants to establish designated parking spaces for veterans at businesses in Marlboro.

The funeral home has launched Operation Purple Heart, an initiative to honor veterans who live in Marlboro and those who visit businesses in the community.

Operation Purple Heart will provide designated parking spots with the participation of business operators. Parking spaces will be designated for veterans and for service members who received a Purple Heart medal after being wounded in combat. The parking spaces will be in a preferred and convenient location near the entrance of participating businesses, according to a press release.

Waitt Funeral Home Vice President Michael Grandi said the operators of the Bella Vista Country Club and Complete Security Systems, both of Marlboro, have signed on to sponsor the initiative and will sponsor up to 20 businesses to have designated parking spaces re-striped and to have the appropriate signs put in place.

He said the plan is to have at least one Purple Heart parking space and one veteran parking space at each participating location. Active service members and veterans who have received an honorable discharge will be permitted to park in the spaces reserved for veterans. The number and configuration of parking spaces will be at the discretion of the business owner.

Grandi said his team will be reaching out to independent business operators and to the owners of shopping plazas to solicit their participation in the program. Veterans will be able to visit Waitt Funeral Home to pick up a veteran identification card and a list of participating businesses. A ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for June 14, Flag Day.

“Waitt Funeral Home’s launch of Operation Purple Heart reflects a clear determination to honor those who have served our country, as well as those who continue to serve,” Grandi said. “I want veterans to know that whether they live in town or come to visit, local businesses stand behind them and salute their service.”

For more information about Operation Purple Heart, call Grandi at 732-566-5300.