Keady is resident’s choice for Congress

We thank Emma Gonzalez and other Parkland, Fla., students for being resolute in their determination to be the change this country sorely needs, a shake-up that can only come at the voting booth in November.

In 2012, my friend was so affected by the Newtown, Conn., massacre that she immediately joined Moms Demand Action, Monmouth County. Her first logical step was to seek a working relationship between Moms Demand Action and the District 4 congressman, Chris Smith.

She soon realized Congressman Smith’s voting record opposed any sensible gun legislation. Not to be deterred, she established District 4 Coalition for Change to bring awareness to this 37-year incumbent’s voting record which has clearly ignored letters, calls and rallies that protest against domestic abuse and gun violence.

In addition, Congressman Smith has not held a town hall meeting since 1993.

Today, District 4 has a strong candidate in Jim Keady, a man with many skills sets, among them the ability to communicate the need for sensible gun legislation, campaign reform, social justice, to name a few.

If elected, Mr. Keady, who also supports Second Amendment rights while pledging to strengthen New Jersey’s already strict gun regulations, will help coalesce the Parkland students’ goals here in the greater metropolitan area. As the students’ movement takes hold, these students, our future voters, have already taught us change is possible and for that, we offer them our gratitude and support.

Rosalind Ressner
Millstone Township