Kane, Jacobson will seek seat on Manalapan governing body

MANALAPAN – There will be a contested race for one three-year term on the Manalapan Township Committee this year.

Democrat David Kane, who is serving the final year of his first three-year term on the governing body, and Republican Barry Jacobson, who is a member of the Planning Board, met the April 2 deadline to file nominating petitions to run for office.

Jacobson will be making his first run for a seat on the committee, which currently has a 4-1 Republican majority. Kane, the lone Democrat, is joined on the governing body by Republicans Jack McNaboe, Susan Cohen, Mary Ann Musich and Kevin Uniglicht.

In announcing his bid for a second term, Kane said, “I am thrilled to run for re-election to the Township Committee. I look forward to continuing to represent all of our residents for another term.

“Since taking office three years ago, I have strived to base decisions solely on the best interests of Manalapan, adhere to principles of fiscal responsibility, and maintain our suburban character. If re-elected, those values will continue to guide me. I have worked each day of my term to earn the faith placed in me by our residents. I hope to earn the same level of trust again this coming November,” Kane said.

In announcing his run for office, Jacobson said, “With the challenges facing our Township Committee and the need to continue to provide top-notch services, I believe my work experience in government coupled with my volunteer experience for the town enables me to continue the excellence exhibited by our Township Committee both past and present.

“In the near term the town has to reduce its high reliance on the residential property tax base and this must be accomplished by smart development along the commercial corridors of the township. We must also continue to work with surrounding towns and the regional school districts for additional ways to share services to improve the lives and safety of our residents and, more specifically, our children and grandchildren.

“My work background required me to analyze evidence and make determinations following established law, rules and policy, balancing the rights of the individual while protecting the taxpayer. My job on the Township Committee will be to do the same and I feel my experience gives me the opportunity to say so,” Jacobson said.

Jacobson has previously served on the township’s Zoning Board of Adjustment, Economic Development Council, which he chaired, Environmental Commission, Manalapan Arts Council and Transportation Committee.