Rutgers professor to discuss impacts of recycling during East Brunswick Library lecture on April 19

Kevin Lyons will discuss the local and global impacts of how products move from raw materials through consumption during “Intelligent Recycling, Supply Chain Archaeology and Urban Agriculture” at 7 p.m. on April 19 at the East Brunswick Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center, East Brunswick.

Lyons is an associate professor of Supply Chain Management and director of Public-Private Community Partnerships at the Rutgers Business School in Newark. He also is associate director of the Rutgers Energy Institute and the Rutgers EcoComplex.

He developed the Supply Chain Environmental Archaeology research program and lab at Rutgers, which studies the entire life of a product from its creation to consumption and its contribution to climate change.

The free public program is part of the Option Green lecture series sponsored by the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission in partnership with the East Brunswick Library.

It is taking place during the lead-up to Earth Day on April 22, when the Friends of EBEC will launch Plastic-Free EB, a campaign to encourage township residents to reduce their use of plastic bags.

The theme of Earth Day 2018 is “End Plastic Pollution.”

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