Tri-Town News On Campus, April 18

Christian Shave (Army) of Howell received the Special Forces Association Medal of Excellence during a recent ceremony at The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. The Special Forces Association Medal of Excellence is presented to a standout freshman or sophomore cadet who has shown scholastic excellence and military proficiency in keeping with the ideals of U.S. Special Forces. Christian is a member of the Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC) in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets.

Juliette Porcelli of Jackson has been inducted into Omega Beta Sigma, the women’s business honor society at the University of Scranton, Pa. Induction is open to students who major or minor in business, have at least sophomore academic standing and have a grade point average of 3.25 or higher.

Julia Karg of Jackson, a member of the class of 2019 majoring in architectural engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass., was a member of a student team that recently completed research through the WPI project center in Bangkok, Thailand. The project was titled “Investigating Information for the KhlongToei Slum Relocation.” In their project summary, the students wrote, “The goal of this project was to compile data to support the negotiation of suitable relocation strategies and housing options for the Khlong Toei slum community.”

Rebecca Bass, a psychology major from Howell, was one of 79 Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., students who studied abroad during the 2017 fall semester. Muhlenberg encourages students of all disciplines to attend one of 100 study abroad programs offered during their undergraduate experience.

Michael Dworzak of Howell is one of more than 150 Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., student-athletes who competed for the Flying Dutchmen during the 2017-18 winter sports season. Michael, who is a graduate of Howell High School, is pursuing a bachelor of science in chemistry in ACS chemistry. He was a member of the indoor track and field team.

Parker Hader of Jackson, a student at Widener University, Chester, Pa., traveled to Myrtle Beach, S.C.,  to take part in the national Alternative Spring Break program this semester. The students helped others and expanded their worldviews. Widener has been participating in the national Alternative Spring Break program for nearly two decades, partnering with Habitat for Humanity to serve underdeveloped or low-income areas, or places affected by natural disaster.