Freecycling event offers usable ‘finds’ while keeping items out of landfill

Spring Freecycling Day is scheduled for April 21 at the Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick, offering area residents an opportunity to discard unwanted but serviceable household items, search for “finds” they can use, and keep items out of the landfill.

There is no charge to participate in this “free trade” event. Usable items must be offered for free.

Recommended freecycling items include clothing, shoes, bicycles, fish tanks, dishes, pots and pans, toys, silverware, small appliances, tools, power tools, kitchen items, garage items, electronics and pet supplies. Large furniture pieces will not be accepted. It is recommended that boxed toys, games and anything with small parts be taped shut.

Prohibited items include mattresses, televisions, large furniture, computers, printers, old electronic equipment, computer monitors, paints, VHS tapes, batteries, tires, computer disks, pesticides, tires, toiletries, cosmetics, unframed mirrors, food, or any hazardous materials.

The Friends of EBEC reserves the right to reject items.

Items may be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with browsing and pickup until 2 p.m.

In the event of rain, visit


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