East Brunswick seeks volunteers for beautification committee

EAST BRUNSWICK–Striving to create a cleaner community, Mayor Brad Cohen is seeking volunteers for the newly formed East Brunswick Beautification Committee.

“I have spent a large part of the past few months going to the public in order to discuss redevelopment plans for the township,” Cohen said in a prepared statement. “It has been very humbling to know that most folks recognize the need to revitalize not only the commercial corridor, but the township as a whole. With that in mind, the concept of Beautification of East Brunswick has gained traction and is applicable beyond the business community.”

Cohen said in the statement that planning and design studies have all shown people have a much better outlook when living in communities that are clean, neat and lively.

“My mood automatically improves when I see flowers, nice signs, clean streets, well maintained homes and outdoor activity. This makes the clearest statement that this is a community that cares, is warm, inclusive and inviting. For those who are more practical, these same studies also show that such communities consistently maintain higher property values,” Cohen said in the statement.

The purpose of th committee will be to learn appropriate municipal laws governing the maintenance of public and private property;advise the township regarding areas that need improvement, both public and private; inspecting all sections of town and report areas that need improvement;come up with ideas for beautifying the township; and coming up with ideas for funding such projects, according to the statement.

Members of this committee will work directly with the mayor and the township code enforcement officer. The township will add other members of the municipal staff as needed, Cohen said.

It is anticipated that meetings will be monthly and at night.

Contact Cohen at 732-390-6810 or [email protected] with your name and contact information to participate.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].