JACKSON – Mayor Michael Reina has appointed religious leaders who will represent Jackson as chaplains. The position is voluntary and involves no salary or payment.
During the April 24 meeting of the Township Council, the Rev. Dan Schafer, Rabbi Jan Rosenberg, the Rev. John Bambrick, the Rev. Joe Tiedemann, Chaplain Israel Bursztyn, Chaplain Yaakov Wenger, Rabbi Shmuel Naparstek and Rabbi Mordechai Bernstein were appointed as chaplains.
Councilman Barry Calogero congratulated the religious leaders and thanked them for “the greater cause they serve. Spirituality is an essential component for fostering a safe, vibrant and flourishing town.”
Calogero thanked Reina for putting the appointments on the evening’s agenda. He said, “13 years ago, we lost my 3-year-old nephew and for the fact there was a chaplain provided by the PBA who saved my sister-in-law’s life and kept her family together, I thank you for your service and look forward to them doing good in the community.”
Councilman Scott Martin thanked Reina for making the appointments and congratulated the appointees, saying, “You all do great work in the community. Thank you all for the spirituality you bring to the community, it is very important.”
Councilwoman Ann Updegrave praised the chaplains for the service they provide.
Councilman Robert Nixon said he believes “there is a need for religious guidance in our community.”
“I think the points were very well made tonight for the need of religious guidance in our community, and the good we hope these chaplains will do, not only for the soul, but for the body of our community, to service the needs of those who are in need and to provide guidance in the ways they have been ordained by God to do so,” Nixon said.
Council President Ken Bressi said he looks at the chaplains from a different perspective.
“In the military, in areas of the world where they were needed and called on and maybe not by the denomination they represent at the time, in the military that happens quite a bit and a chaplain is a chaplain,” Bressi said, suggesting that residents read “The Four Chaplains.”
“But the chaplains and military have a very unique function … and as I can testify, many times it may not have been your denomination, but they were there for anybody and I am sure it will be the same way here. I think it is a great thing (Reina) did and I thank you for it mayor,” Bressi said.
Bernstein thanked Reina for the opportunity to serve as a chaplain, saying, “I am honored he chose me. I will look to put my expertise and any other talent I have at the job’s disposal. I will look to help anyone in their time of need because that is what the job of a chaplain is.”
Bernstein said he was selected to represent the Orthodox Jewish community in Jackson, but he told council members and members of the public that “obviously my number is available.”
“I am available to anyone who ever feels the need to call me. I am always there for any resident. I am obviously Orthodox, but I am here for anyone,” Bernstein said.
He said the appointment of chaplains “will definitely increase everyone’s quality of life knowing they have someone to call if there is ever, God forbid, a need or ever a need in any circumstances.”