East Windsor salutes libraries for service to the community

“Libraries Lead” was the theme of National Library Week, which was celebrated by the Hickory Corner and Twin Rivers branches of the Mercer County Library System in East Windsor Township.

East Windsor Mayor Janice S. Mironov acknowledged National Library Week, which was held April 8-14, with a mayoral proclamation that was presented to the branch managers of the two libraries at the Township Council’s April 10 meeting.

Flanked by Sharon Galbraith Ryer and Jeanne Murray, the managers of the Hickory Corner and Twin Rivers branches, respectively, Mironov commented that on a recent visit to the Hickory Corner branch, the library was packed with patrons.

“It was really reflective of what an important resource the library is,” Mironov said.

Patrons can read books and newspapers, or use the computers. Libraries open their doors for many people, she said.

“It is really fantastic” the libraries are so well used in East Windsor, the mayor said, adding she is a big supporter of the libraries.

Murray thanked Mironov for supporting the libraries and said she feels like every week should be Library Week. Librarians can find any information a patron would want, she said.

The proclamation issued by Mironov states that, “Our public libraries provide all people with books, information, computers, videos, audio cassettes and other resources to enrich their lives. Librarians provide the essential guidance and support needed by children, teenagers and adults alike in their search for knowledge and information, as well as their pursuit of avocational and leisure interests.”