Corona Road should be evaluated in East Brunswick

I totally agree with East Brunswick lowering the speed limits on township roads. Going one step further, the speed limit on Corona Road should be strictly enforced at 25 mph as posted.

Between 4 and 6 p.m., Corona Road resembles the Daytona 500. Forty to 45 mph is more the norm. The left turn opening on Ryders Lane south at Corona should be closed. There is a left turn arrow at the traffic light at Sullivan Way. Drivers use Corona as a shortcut to University Road to avoid the light at Ryders and Tices lanes. Also, many times drivers use the opening at Corona to make a left turn onto Ryders even though there is a no left turn sign. This no left turn was put in place after a fatal accident there a few years ago.

Actually, University, Sullivan and Corona should be designated local traffic only. Drivers use these roads to avoid the Tices Lane at Ryders Lane light. The Lawrence Brook development was never designed to be a commuters short cut.

Walter Goldeski
East Brunswick