Resident disappointed in current state of Helmetta

Is it any mystery why droves of people are leaving New Jersey and the small quaint towns that once conjured up images of Mayberry?

Small town politicians with big ideas and big egos look for ways to promote themselves at the expense of the taxpayers. Mayors and council members decide what is to be done without the knowledge or input from the people who have gotten them to where they are today.

Helmetta is the epitome of this type of town. In an effort to rid themselves of what the mayor deemed a doomed police department, the mayor deliberately kept taxpayers in the dark about what was going on. Meanwhile, he and the council members had already hatched their plan to take the force down.

Helmetta should be shut down altogether and become part of Spotswood. We share schools, garbage, first aid, police dispatch and now police patrol with Spotswood. Dayton, Kingston and Monmouth Junction are doing just fine under the umbrella of South Brunswick. I believe Helmetta should just dissolve and do the same. The employees of the borough can find other jobs.

To the mayor and council, you ruined this town. What goes around comes around. I’m just sorry I will not be here to see it.

Timmy Mechkowski