Millstone planners grant final approval to three warehouses

MILLSTONE – The Millstone Township Planning Board has granted final site plan approval to a stone distributor for the construction of three warehouses on Wren Haven Drive.

At a recent meeting, 106 Trenton-Lakewood Road, LLC (Instone), a distributor of stone and masonry products based in Millstone, was granted final site plan approval to construct three buildings on Wren Haven Drive. The buildings will primarily be used as warehouses and are in the vicinity of the company’s headquarters on Red Valley Road.

Three applications were presented together by attorney Peter Klouser and board members voted on each application separately. Klouser said the site was previously a 7Up plant.

Each warehouse application received preliminary major site plan approval from the board in January. Representatives of the applicant returned this month seeking final approval to construct the warehouses.

According to engineer Jonathan Blank, representing the applicant, one building will be 80,000 square feet, with 74,000 square feet to be used as warehouse space and 6,000 square feet to be used as office space. That building will have 45 parking spaces and 16 loading spaces. A buffer will be landscaped near Red Valley Road and Trenton-Lakewood Road (Route 526) and the site will be able to accommodate a 55-foot-long tractor-trailer, according to the testimony.

The second building will total 50,250 square feet and will be used entirely as a warehouse, according to Blank. There will be 35 parking spaces and 22 loading spaces for that facility. The building will be able to accommodate a 55-foot-long tractor-trailer.

Blank testified that the third building will be 49,500 square feet, with 44,500 square feet to be used as warehouse space and 5,000 square feet to be used as office space. The building will have 34 parking spaces and 18 loading spaces.

Combined, the three buildings will total 179,750 square feet, with 168,750 square feet dedicated for warehouse space and 11,000 square feet dedicated for office space.

Changes that were made to the project following the board’s granting of preliminary approval include widening Red Valley Road by 3 feet to provide a 30-foot width, adding a monument sign to each site along Wren Haven Drive, the addition of pump houses for fire suppression and the inclusion of a buffer of evergreen trees along the northern and northeastern edge of the buildings to shield nearby residences from noise and lights, according to Blank.

And, Blank said a “No Left Turn” sign for tractor-trailers at the intersection of Red Valley Road and Wren Haven Drive and “No Idling” signs on the property would be included in the applications and the entrance gate will be removed.

After the applicant’s representatives concluded their testimony, board members Robert Beck, Rose Oxley, Thomas Pado, Mary Pinney and Al Ferro, and Mayor Gary Dorfman and Deputy Mayor Nancy Grbelja, who sit on the board, voted to grant final approval to each warehouse application.