Englishtown council approves road improvements for Hospitality Way

ENGLISHTOWN – Members of the Englishtown Borough Council have taken action to improve one of the borough’s roads.

On May 23, council members adopted a bond ordinance that will appropriate $275,000 to provide for road improvements to Hospitality Way. The ordinance authorizes the issuance of $86,250 in bonds or notes to cover part of the costs.

According to the ordinance, the borough’s down payment for the improvements will be $13,750. A $175,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation will help to pay for the work. The remaining costs will be covered by the issuance of bonds or notes.

The improvements for Hospitality Way include, but are not limited to excavation, milling, paving, the repair and/or installation of curbs, curb ramps, sidewalks and driveway aprons, drainage work, road painting, and landscaping and aesthetic improvements, according to the ordinance.

In other business, council members appointing James Sakers to the position of Class II special law enforcement officer in the Englishtown Police Department. A Class II special officer is paid $14 per hour. Sakers was previously a Class II special officer in Point Pleasant.

Sakers was sworn in by Councilwoman Maryanne Krawiec, who serves on the borough’s police commission as its commissioner. An opening was created when Katelyn Kwiecinski was promoted from Class II special officer to full-time probationary officer.