Tinton Falls borough engineer outlines 2018 road improvement program

The Tinton Falls Borough Council has authorized its engineer, T&M Associates, to serve as the administrator for the municipality’s 2018 road improvement program.

At its meeting on June 12, the council passed a resolution authorizing a $290,000 payment to the engineering firm. On a roll call, council President Gary Baldwin, Councilman John Manginelli, Councilman Christopher Pak, Councilman Brock Siebert and Councilwoman Nancyanne Fama voted to approve the resolution.

According to a letter from Borough Engineer Thomas Neff of T&M Associates to Business Administrator Michael Skudera, the borough has budgeted $2.36 million for improvements to a number of streets, as well as a sidewalk along Tinton Avenue/Wayside Road.

Neff said the 2018 road improvement program will include work on a number of streets in the borough, as follows:

• Water Street: Tinton Avenue west to the Colts Neck municipal boundary. Based on the existing conditions of the road, construction will consist of a full depth reconstruction. The mill and overlay process that is required includes the resurfacing of the deteriorating roads with asphalt.

The western portion of the road beyond Marissa Lane is in better condition, and will only require a mill and overlay. The remaining portions of the road require full depth reconstruction. Specifically, the road edges have deteriorated over time. The existing guide rail will also be analyzed and replaced where it is necessary.

Handicap accessible curb ramps will be constructed on the roads. Inlet heads and grates, areas that collect storm water from roads, will be replaced with ones that comply with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) standards. Asphalt driveway aprons – the area where a private driveway connects to a public road – will be constructed for any existing dirt or stone driveways in this area, according to Neff’s letter to Skudera.

• Steven Avenue, Howard Avenue, Cross Way and South Terrace will undergo road improvements. Based on the condition of these roads, a full depth pavement reconstruction that consists of a base surface course is anticipated. Handicap accessible curb ramps will be constructed  where they are deemed necessary. Inlet heads and grates will also be replaced. Asphalt driveway aprons will be provided for any existing dirt or stone driveways on Steven Avenue, Howard Avenue, Cross Way and South Terrace roads.

The entire length of Fox Chase Drive, Asbury Avenue and Springdale Avenue will require full width milling and resurfacing based on the existing conditions of the roads. Full depth base repair and pavement reconstruction will be required in isolated areas where the pavement has deteriorated due to excessive use of the road over time.

Handicap accessible curb ramps will be constructed where they are necessary, and inlet heads and grates will be replaced with ones that comply with DEP requirements. Driveway repairs and new aprons will be constructed where they are necessary along the perimeter of Springdale Avenue.

The full lengths of Old Mill Road, Liberty Drive and Marland Road will undergo road improvements. Based on the existing condition of these roads, full width milling and resurfacing is anticipated. Areas where there is a deterioration in concrete curb and driveway aprons will be replaced. Inlet heads and grates will be replaced and updated.

The full length of Wheeling Court and Wyckham Road require improvements to be made based on the existing conditions of the roads.  Full depth base repair and pavement reconstruction is required.

Sidewalks along Tinton Avenue/Wayside Road will be added along the western side of the roads. A continuous sidewalk path from Water Street south to Rutgers Drive is necessary in this area. Handicap accessible curb ramps will be constructed. Small retaining walls may also be required along certain sections of the new sidewalk.

Traffic calming measures will be included on Heritage Boulevard and Rutgers Drive in an effort to reduce vehicles traveling over the designated speed limit. The possibility of a curb bumpout on Heritage Boulevard and Cannonball Drive is under consideration by township officials.

Based on the scope of work outlined above, anticipated construction costs will fall in the vicinity of $2 million, according to the letter from Neff to Skudera.