HOPEWELL: More voices needed at committee meetings

To the editor:

After watching the Hopewell Township Committee meeting on Monday, June 11, I would like to say that I hope more residents of our community will attend or watch a meeting. They can be seen on Comcast channel 95 and Verizon channel 30. The meetings are the second and fourth Monday of the month.

The elected officials work long, hard hours on the important issues that affect us all. Some whose favored candidates did not win may not agree with the actions proposed by the committee. Since we live in a democracy, anyone can speak or voice their disapproval at meetings.

This does not mean personal attacks with alternative facts are the way to go. Tracy Vogler, who has called the township home for 50 years, has served on the Historic Preservation Commission since  January of 2017 – one and a half years. This is a volunteer position. She joined the Historic Preservation Commission one full year before Michael Ruger joined the Township Committee.  Since Tracy is my daughter-in-law, I am aware of the time and effort she extends toward this important endeavor.  She did not deserve a public attack.

Perhaps if more residents of our community were aware of the events at meetings, more diverse opinions would be offered.  Maybe there would be some solutions instead of the constant angry confrontations.

Betty Ruger

Hopewell Township