Niedergang: Thanks for your support

To the Editor:

Thank you to all who voted in the June 5 primary election for Princeton Council, and congratulations to Dwaine Williamson, my fellow Democratic nominee, and to Lisa Wu, the Republican nominee. I also want to thank the Executive Board of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO), and in particular President Jean Durbin, for providing information about the campaign process to the candidates, and for hosting a debate so that we could present ourselves and our platforms to PCDO members. Scotia MacRae, chair of the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee (PDMC) also helpfully provided information on the election process to the candidates, and offered an opportunity for all of us to address PDMC members.

The participation of Adam Bierman, Michelle Pirone Lambros, Surinder Sharma, Alvin McGowen and Myrtha Jasmin in this highly competitive primary election showed the openness of the Democratic party in Princeton to candidates with a wide range of ideas for the betterment of Princeton. I urge them to remain involved in the life of our town by bringing their energy, experience and skills to service as a volunteer on one of the many municipal boards, committees or commissions.

I owe so much to the members of my fabulous campaign team, who brought great ideas to the table and then worked many, many hours to bring those ideas to fruition. I absolutely could not have done this without you! Thank you also to all who helped by making phone calls or going door-to-door, hosting a coffee or fundraiser, placing a yard sign on their lawn, talking to or emailing friends and neighbors on my behalf, contributing to the campaign, helping with mailings, or signing my endorsement ad. Many, many people played a role in this campaign, which I believe attests to the passion that Princetonians have about our community and our desire to make it better.

Finally, thank you to all who took the time to share with me the issues and concerns that are important to you and to our town, whether during scheduled meetings or in an impromptu fashion as I went door to door. I have learned so much from so many of you and really appreciate your commitment to our community. I hope that you will continue to provide your input and your wisdom as we move forward.

To those who voted for me on June 5, I am honored by your trust and your faith in me and I promise that I will work hard to live up to it – as well as to earn your vote in November.

Eve Niedergang
