Best-selling organizer to speak at CentraState

CentraState is offering women an exciting and empowering event, “Lose the Clutter, Find Your Self,” with special guest Jamie Novak, organizer, humorist and best-selling author, at 6 p.m. onAug. 16 at The Star and Barry Tobias Ambulatory Campus, 901 W. Main Street, Freehold Township.

Women of all ages are invited to hear Novak’s advice on how to clear clutter from their mind and home, take charge of making choices, and create more energy for living a life they can love. Through a humorous show-and-tell format, Novak will have the audience laughing at themselves and their old habits as she shares her secrets for getting and staying organized in manageable bites rather than taking an overwhelming all-or-nothing approach.

Participants will also hear from CentraState experts on how to break free from ingrained beliefs that hold us back. Learn how to say “no” without regrets, set personal boundaries, and make self-care a priority. Plus, participants will discover how to create a sleep sanctuary to feel rejuvenated inside and out.

There also will be refreshments, healthy snacks and giveaways at the free event. Space is limited and registration is required. For more information, call 732-308-0570 or visit