Residents may file to run for school board seats

Lawrence Township residents have 17 days left to file a nominating petition to seek a seat on the Lawrence Township Public Schools Board of Education.

The deadline to file is 4 p.m. July 30. Nominating petitions, signed by 10 registered voters, must be turned in to the Mercer County Clerk’s Office in Trenton by that date. The school board election is Nov. 6.

The terms of Dana Drake, Jo Ann Groeger, Joyce Scott and Kevin Van Hise are expiring. The term is for three years.

Drake was appointed to the board in February 2017 to fill an unexpired term. Groeger, Scott and Van Hise are serving three-year terms and were elected in 2015.

Drake and Groeger said they plan to run for re-election. Groeger said she feels she still has more to offer and said she enjoys working with the administration and other elected officials.

Van Hise said he is undecided on whether to seek another term. Scott could not be reached for comment.

Candidates for school board must be at least 18 years old, be able to read and write, and hold U.S. citizenship. They must have lived in the school district for at least one year, and be registered to vote.

Candidates may not have an interest in or hold a claim against the school board. They may not serve on the municipal governing body, and may not be disqualified from holding office because of conviction of certain crimes.

Nominating petitions are available for pickup at the school district’s Business Office, through the Mercer County Clerk’s Office or online at the school district’s website at