Thank you for your support

To the editor:

I want to let my fellow Princetonians know that I am honored and humbled to have received their votes and support of my candidacy for Princeton Council.

Princeton is at a critical juncture on many fronts. While our neighborhoods remain strong and our municipal services first-rate, we are faced with rising property taxes, rampant teardowns, and housing prices that make Princeton unattainable for many.

I pledge to be a responsible steward of our public funds. I will work to ensure that our collective resources are shared equitably, and that Princeton remains a welcoming community. I promise to exercise bold leadership in exploring solutions to keep our downtown core vibrant and growing. I will support the creation of a network of walkable, bike-friendly streets to keep us all safely connected.

I believe that together we can work to realize the vision of a Princeton that is sustainable, affordable and inclusive, while remaining an exceptional place to live, work, raise our children, worship, play and age in place.

I look forward to hearing from everyone in the coming weeks as we begin the process of shaping our shared future.

Dwaine Williamson, Esq.
