Exotic tick species found in Monmouth County

The United States Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) has confirmed that the Longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) has been discovered in Monmouth County, making it the sixth county in New Jersey where the tick has been found, according to a Aug. 21 press release from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.

While the tick was found on the floor of a home with a dog, it is not known if the tick was ever attached to that dog as the family recently had a visiting dog. Earlier findings have been confirmed in Bergen, Hunterdon, Union, Middlesex and Mercer counties, according to the press release.

Some of the findings came as a result of a statewide “Tick Blitz,” led by the Rutgers Center for Vector Biology in May and developed primarily by professionals from New Jersey’s county mosquito control programs.

“It is important for the public to continue to submit tick samples as this will allow us to identify new areas where this tick may be located,” said Dr. Manoel Tamassia, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture state veterinarian. “Only with this knowledge will we be able to make decisions at local and national levels.”

Public parks where the Longhorned tick has been found in New Jersey include Davidson Mill County Pond Park in Middlesex County, Overpeck County Park in Bergen County, and Watchung Reservation, Houdaille Quarry Park and Briant Park in Union County. There have also been confirmed findings of the Longhorned tick in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Arkansas.

Various local, state and federal animal health agencies, as well as Rutgers Center for Vector Biology, continue to work together to identify the range of the Longhorned tick in New Jersey. Longhorned ticks that have been collected in New Jersey thus far have tested negative for various human and animal pathogens, according to the press release.

Like deer ticks, the nymphs of the Longhorned tick are very small (resembling tiny spiders) and can easily go unnoticed on animals and people. Longhorned ticks in other countries have been shown to spread diseases. They are known to infest a wide range of species, including humans, dogs, cats and livestock, according to the press release.

As part of New Jersey’s investigation, counties have set up drop-off locations for members of the public to submit ticks they find on themselves, their pets, livestock or on wildlife. Information about these locations and how to submit a tick can be found on the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website at http://www.state.nj.us/ agriculture/divisions/ah/

A phone line has been established to leave a message if a tick is found and there is uncertainty about what the next steps are. Individuals who need information about what to do if they find a tick on themselves, their pets or livestock may call 1-833-NEWTICK (1-833-639-8425).