Spotswood resident starts group to promote fitness

SPOTSWOOD– What started off as a self-health improvement initiative led resident Suzanne Roque-Krainski to create the “Sole Sisters” walking/jogging group.

A Spotswood resident for 17 years, Roque-Krainski said she is a human relations manager for an Edison-based company, a mom of 10-year-old girl/boy twins, a Girl Scout leader and an executive board member of the Spotswood Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

“I initially started walking with my rescue dog Hudson in March when my company launched a Step Into Spring challenge. I also had a health scare in November that landed me in the hospital and was told by my cardiologist to start being active,” Roque-Krainski said. “I am a competitive person in nature and was determined to get the most daily steps for this challenge and hopefully shed some pounds along the way.”

Roque-Krainski said at a PTA function in April that she mentioned her walking routine and the following day three moms joined her. She said she started brainstorming some names, mentioned it to the others and “Sole Sisters” was formed.

The group meets daily from 5-6 a.m. The route is 3.7 miles, which takes them from Spotswood into East Brunswick and back into town.

“We initially only walked but now we’ve incorporated jogging into our routine,” Roque-Krainski said.

With her days usually busy, Roque-Krainski said the morning is the only time she has to exercise, but she has incorporated toning into her routine at home by doing exercises such as planks, squats and crunches.

The members of the group have all signed up for the Run the Vineyards 5K Oct. 13 at Laurita Winery in New Egypt.

“Also, a handful of us will be participating in the Spotswood 5K on Sept. 8,” she said. 

Getting the word out about the group by posting on Facebook, and word of mouth, Roque-Krainski said the group has grown to 17 members which include herself, Lara Krefski, Jennifer Korneski, Helen Maldonado, Stephanie Gonnella, Phyliss Snyder, Melyssa Lewis, Annie Direnzo, Annette Zaborney, Lori Donelan, Melissa Torres, Mary Leaver, Angela Hilse, Diane Oster, Jenalyn Engstrom, Courtney Williams and Edie Weinstein.

Roque-Krainski said walking has had a positive impact on her by lowering her blood pressure and cholesterol, losing weight and overall quality of life. In addition to walking, she has also changed the way she eats by following the Paleo diet.

“Most of us don’t enjoy working out indoors or don’t have the time, therefore our intentions are to continue walking in the fall.

“This is our new lifestyle and the Sole Sisters are on this journey together. Motivation, inspiration, determination and friendship all in one.”

Hilse said being in this group has helped her start her days off right, and the feeling she has each and every day after the group’s walk is “amazing.” Although she just met some of these women, the bonding just came naturally.

“This group has helped me make time for me. It also helped me to be pushed by others even when I’m not feeling it that day. The accountability is awesome,” Snyder said.

Donelan said being in this group has given her the motivation to exercise and lose weight. Knowing there are other women walking daily encourages her to get up to do it. Members support each other and it makes her feel good about herself.

“Walking with the Sole Sisters has helped me make myself a priority in my busy life. It’s helped me be a healthier and happier person. The support of other women is priceless,” Zaborney said.

Korneski said that being a Sole Sister has evolved from a group of moms walking to so much more. Having a group like this holds accountability and encouragement. She said she loves the walking the group but more than that members get to know other moms in town, build new friendships and share this journey together.

For more information about the Sole Sisters, visit Suzanne Roque-Krainski’s Facebook page.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].