Millstone Township officials say park vandals have turned themselves in

MILLSTONE – The individuals being sought in connection with an incident of vandalism at a park in Millstone Township have turned themselves in.

During a Township Committee meeting on Sept. 5, municipal officials said the individuals came forward to take responsibility for their actions. No identifying information about the individuals (i.e., gender, age, town of residence) was provided by committee members.

In August, acts of vandalism took place at Abate Park, Charleston Springs Road. The vandalism was investigated by the New Jersey State Police, which provides police services to Millstone Township.

During an interview shortly after the incident occurred, State Trooper Alejandro Goez said surveillance footage captured images of three individuals. The individuals are suspected of placing wood chips in toilets at the park and of throwing toilet paper on a playground at the park.

Following the vandalism, municipal officials urged the suspects to turn themselves in.

“We have a security system at Abate Park,” Committeeman Fiore Masci said. “We have images of the three people. I would say you are better off calling in right now [and] letting us know who you are because we will find out who you are and we don’t put up with that here in Millstone. I understand kids will be kids, but taxpayers pay too much money for these beautiful parks for them to be vandalized and we are just not going to put up with it.”

On Sept. 5, Masci said the individuals had identified themselves to officials.

“We asked for (the individuals) to turn themselves in with regard to the vandalism at the park and obviously we are limited in what we can share, but that took place,” he said. “The people did turn themselves in and the township is dealing with it accordingly.”