Hillsborough Committee candidate introduces herself

To the editor:

My name is Olivia Holmes and I am running as a Democrat for the Hillsborough Township Committee. My husband and I moved to here 32 years ago, bought a home in the Sourland Mountains, and started a family. Besides raising two sons, both graduates of Hillsborough High School, I took care of my father-in-law for ten years after he suffered a stroke. I am a wife, a mother, a successful business owner in town for 25 years and a Democratic District Committeeperson since 2014.

When I first arrived in Hillsborough, I was awed by its natural beauty. The numerous farmlands, the rolling hills of the western section, and of course, the magnificent Sourland Mountain range. Not long after moving here, I joined the Friends of Hillsborough, a group of concerned citizens, that fought and stopped a development of 11,000 units at the foot of the mountain.

In addition to all the other natural features of our town, the recent opening of the Duke Estate to the public makes Hillsborough a premier destination to experience the joys of nature. I will do all I can to protect it.

The Republicans, however, who have solely run the town for nearly 20 years, have enacted policies that are slowly diminishing the character of our town. The lack of smart, sustainable planning and capitulation to developers have created unremarkable architecture, unwalkable streets and unbearable traffic. The empty storefronts along Route 206 show the economic effect of these policies on businesses and in turn, on the value of our properties. Projects are quietly approved, while public input is largely ignored. Developers can build these massive projects while giving little back to the town. I will work for more transparency, encourage public participation and hold developers accountable.

For as long as I can remember, there has been talk of creating a ‘Hillsborough Downtown.’ Tax dollars were used to pay for a professional study. A committee was formed to write an ordinance. Town-wide surveys were distributed to solicit the ideas of Hillsborough residents. The results of these efforts produced a vision of a pedestrian-oriented downtown, tree-lined streets, quaint storefronts, bike lanes, and public gathering areas. A place that would not only improve the quality of life and sense of community but restore economic vitality to local businesses.

Unfortunately, the study, ordinance and survey have been ignored, lost or forgotten. It won’t be easy, and it won’t be done overnight, but I believe now that the Route 206 bypass is being completed, it is time for this vision of our town to be resurrected.

My name is Olivia Holmes and I am running for Hillsborough Township Committee. Thank you for your support and please vote on November 6.

Olivia Holmes
