Matawan unveiled commemorative steel from World Trade Center

A new monument–a large slab of steel from the World Trade Center– was unveiled at Memorial Park in Matawan.

On Sept. 11, 17 years after more than 3,000 people lost their lives in a terrorist attack on the nation, residents and emergency responders in Matawan gathered at the park to honor those who have died.

Chris Lambros, Chairman of the Matawan Borough Fire Departments Memorial Committee, said after more than a decade of commemorations, the municipality now has ownership of the steel.

The steel, which will serve as a commemorative monument, was draped with an American flag before it was debuted to those were in attendance at the ceremony. 

The piece of steel was obtained more than three years ago, Lambros said.

“About a year and a half ago, we finally got the steel delivered down from Jersey City,” Lambros said. “At the time … a piece of steel was secured through the business administrator in Jersey City. It took two more years for the steel to come down and it has been stored for the last two years. This steel just got laid here last week. This is brand new.”

Lambros said the steel has been draped with the same American flag since it was retrieved from Jersey City more than one year ago.

Outlining the perimeter of the monument are granite plaques with the names of the six Matawan residents who lost their lives 17 years ago on that tragic day.

Family members of those who are deceased will also receive a flag, rose and a small piece of steel from the World Trade Center as a token of remembrance, Lambros said. 

The six Matawan residents who died in the 9/11 attacks were Thomas A. Damaskinos, Edward P. Felt, Virginia M. Jablonski, George P. Mclaughlin, Kenneth F. Tietjen and Lance R. Tumulty.

“All six families will be represented,” Lambros said.

During the ceremony, “Amazing Grace” played as members of the public observed emergency responders unveil the monument that will now be a permanent fixture in the municipality’s community park.