School board candidate makes pitch for support

To the editor:

My decision to run for the Hillsborough Board of Education is one in which much thought and consideration has been given. I was reminded that my experience as a successful lifelong educator, my commitment to public service which mainly focused on student achievement and the well-being of students, initiated the thought, “why not me?” I believe that I would be a great candidate for the following reasons: I’m qualified, I’m dedicated and I care.

My educational experience from teacher to guidance counselor to vice principal to principal to director of elementary education in a variety of districts gives me perspectives and ideas that I would like to share if voted in on the Hillsborough Board of Education. I am committed to being a part of continuing the goal of improving our schools. While serving in a former district as a teacher, I received recognition from the NJ Department of Education and was awarded the Governor’s Teacher Recognition Award and I was recognized in Who’s Who in America. My commitment to education for 40 years, more than demonstrates my strong belief that every child must be deeply valued and brought to their maximum potential.

My two favorite achievements was first being asked by a former District’s Director of Guidance to develop an elementary guidance program with another colleague. What great enjoyment that was to research, plan and develop curriculum and to see the fruits of my labor come into fruition. Another achievement that’s worth mentioning is that while being assigned as principal to a low performing school, my task was to turn it around which involved high expectations by all stakeholders and taking the lead to ensure curriculum was implemented as prescribed by the whole school reform model, Success for All. My untiring energy and my attention to detail along with the teachers’ commitment and hard work resulted in the school becoming a national visitation site.

My involvement in professional development for teachers shows how important it is to support teachers’ efforts to continually learn and improve. Effective professional development also has a positive impact on student learning and achievement.

Another commitment that I have always enjoyed is volunteer work. I have served on many organizations in the present and the past, including the Hillsborough Library Board and the Hearthstone Community Board.

My personal interests include bridge, traveling, golfing and advocacy. I am also most proud of my son Michael who is a college graduate and who works as a private client banker.

Visit my Facebook page in order to read additional information about me. Look for
Joyce Eldridge-Howard for Hillsborough Board of Education. It is my hope that my experience will serve as a helpful asset to the Hillsborough Board of Education. Support my candidacy by voting for me on Tuesday, November 6.

Joyce Eldridge-Howard
