Support Lipani, Skobo for Hillsborough Township Committee

To the editor:

I am a proud resident of Hillsborough for more than 11 years and have always looked to do business locally or utilize the township resources we have available. Shawn Lipani is a lifelong resident of Hillsborough who owns and operates his family business, Central Jersey Nurseries. I have frequented their store numerous times and see the pride they take in being from, and working in, Hillsborough Township.

Shawn was recently unanimously elected by the Hillsborough Township Committee to fill a committee vacancy. He has served as a past member of the township planning board as its chairman. He’s also spent time on the Economic Development Board, Youth Services Board, Board of Adjustment, the Capital Planning Committee and is a member of the Hillsborough Rotary Club. Shawn has a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Rochester, he and his wife has been married for 24 years and have one daughter.

I was fortunate to meet Ron Skobo a few years back, and learned he has been a Hillsborough resident for over 40 years. He retired after a 30-year career in law enforcement.

Ron has been very involved in Hillsborough as well, serving the township as member of the Recreation Commission, Cultural & Arts Commission, Planning Board, Somerset Treatment Services, Board President, and Elks Lodge. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University and has been married 47 years with two children and six grandchildren.

I wholeheartedly affirm both Shawn Lipani and Ron Skobo are trusted, strong and dedicated candidates for our Hillsborough Township Committee. They will provide new leadership, keeping Hillsborough one of the best and safest places to live.

Based on their qualifications, dedication and commitment to Hillsborough Township, Shawn Lipani and Ron Skobo are the best choices for election to the Hillsborough Township Committee. I urge everyone in Hillsborough to vote for both Shawn Lipani and Ron Skobo on Tuesday, November 6.

Sean Horgan
