Lawrenceville School continues support for education foundation

A new storage unit for the Lawrence Intermediate School’s instrumental music department, and project-based curriculum that teaches students how to start and run their own simulated business.

A program for elementary school students encouraging them to celebrate women in science and engineering, and an artist-in-residence program with Mel Leipzig for Lawrence High School students.

Those are among the special projects funded by the Lawrence Township Education Foundation, none of which would have been possible without the support of donors such as the Lawrenceville School, according to the nonprofit group.

Representatives of the Lawrenceville School presented a check for $65,000 to the foundation earlier this month, bringing the school’s total donations to the foundation to more than $1.5 million since 1995.

Head Master Steve Murray presented the check, which is the Lawrenceville School’s annual contribution, to Amy Davis, the president of the foundation’s Board of Trustees, Vice President Rick Smith and Karen Fairman, the nonprofit group’s executive director.

In addition to the $65,000 annual donation, the Lawrenceville School provides event sponsorship and in-kind services, including office space on Phillips Avenue in the village of Lawrenceville.

Murray said he was impressed with the “inventive and inspired programs” the foundation supports for public school students that are made possible by the creativity of dedicated educators and the foundation’s volunteers.

“I am pleased the Lawrenceville School is able to support these meaningful efforts. I am eager to see what the teachers and students will accomplish in this school year,” he said.

Davis said the foundation is gratified the Lawrenceville School, a private, co-educational boarding school, recognizes the value of the foundation in the public schools.

“It is because of its long-standing commitment to be a partner and good neighbor in our community that we are able to make a difference in the education of every student in every one of the schools,” Davis said.

The Lawrence Township Education Foundation raises money from individuals, businesses, corporations and foundations to support the grant requests from teachers and school administrators.