CROP Walk will be held in Freehold Borough

The Freehold Area CROP Walk is organized by the Freehold Clergy Association, a group including the clergy and leaders of more than 25 Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim congregations, as well as the chaplaincy of CentraState Healthcare System. This year’s walk will take place on Oct. 21 in Freehold Borough.

The host house of worship for this year’s walk will be the Reformed Church of Freehold, 67 W. Main St. Registration will be held at 1:30 p.m. and the walk will take place from 2-4 p.m., according to a press release.

There will be a 2.6-mile and mini-walk route marked out in Freehold Borough. A map will be provided at registration. Organizers of the CROP Walk said walking changes people, as they identify more with those in other countries who must walk long distances for water, food or firewood every day. To register as a walker and raise funds online, go to

Organizers said that after years of decline, hunger is on the rise again, and today one in 10 people lack adequate food and clean drinking water. One in three lack access to sanitation.

Money raised in the Freehold Area CROP Walk provides sustainable self-help, development, disaster relief and refugee assistance, and fights to eradicate hunger and poverty through collaboration with partners in more than 80 countries, including the United States, according to the press release.

CROP Walks create hope with micro-loans to fund new small family businesses and fish
farms, according to the organizers.

Individuals and teams may register for the CROP Walk. Donors can designate their total gift to 501c3 hunger programs of their choosing. Participants are asked to turn in their pledges in check and cash form and donations of peanut butter at the walk if possible. The person with the largest pledge amount on the day of the walk will become the honored walk marshal. Youths will receive service project credit, according to the press release.

Gilded Sneaker trophies will be awarded to the groups with the most walkers/fundraisers on the day of the walk and the highest pledge total received by Nov. 21.

This year’s walk will also sponsor a Hunger Art poster contest with prizes for children and youths (preschool through senior high) on the theme “Feeding Our Hungry Neighbors.” Art must be turned in at the walk at 1:30 p.m. and will be judged during the walk. Young children can download a coloring page to enter at

An individual can become a team leader, download and print supplies, and register their walkers directly at Walker forms and promotional materials are also available at Hope Lutheran Church, 211 Elton-Adelphia Road, Freehold Township, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, call or text Pat Medley, pastor, at 732-822-0711, or email [email protected]