Niedergang and Williamson committed to affordable housing requirements

To the editor:

On any list of major challenges facing the Princeton community, finding and providing for an affordable home is high on the list. This community has always supported affordable housing not just as an ideal but also followed through with its construction such as Griggs Farm and Washington Oaks.

I have been involved with providing and maintaining affordable housing for more than 25 years as a member of the Princeton Affordable Housing Board and a commissioner on the Princeton Housing Authority. As the community is aware, the town has an obligation to provide a total of 753 units of affordable housing by 2025. Achieving this goal will require the community’s traditional commitment to affordable housing and leadership supporting its construction.

Fortunately, two candidates for Princeton Council, Eve Niedergang and Dwaine Williamson, are committed to affordable housing and will work hard to insure that the town meets its affordable housing obligation. They deserve this community’s support.

Alvin McGowen
