Republican is ‘thankful’ for opportunity to run for township committee

To the editor:

For the past few months I have had the opportunity to meet and talk to many fellow Hillsborough residents while Ron Skobo and I campaign for township committee by going door-to-door. I am thankful to all those who spent time sharing their opinions and thoughts with me. I am very encouraged and humbled for the support we have received.

I love hearing why folks decided to move to Hillsborough. I share the same concerns they have about managing growth and keeping taxes stable in our rural township. In a vibrant community like Hillsborough, there is always going to be a strong desire to stop over development. As former chair of the planning board and not as a township committee person, I am proud to be part of the Republican team that has an outstanding record of success on open space and farmland preservation.

Ron Skobo and I have extensive experience on many local and county boards and agencies. Combined, we have close to 100 years of residency in Hillsborough. That means we possess the kind of background required to ensure Hillsborough continues to be managed properly.

I am excited for the opportunity to serve the town I’ve called “home” for over 40 years, all during which my family has operated a Hillsborough-based small, successful business.

I ask for your support. On election day, please come out and vote for Ron Skobo and Shawn Lipani for township committee.

Shawn Lipani
