To the editor:
It is with much enthusiasm that I support Jeffrey Wright and Olivia Holmes, both Democratic candidates, for the Hillsborough Township Committee.
Jeffrey is a financial planner who has a solid record of community volunteerism and civic participation. Olivia is a 36-year resident of Hillsborough and a successful business owner who knows just about every square foot of our township. Both are married and are raising or have raised their children in Hillsborough.
They believe in many of the same issues that I do. We need better planned development in Hillsborough. Overdevelopment in some areas of our township has encouraged outrageous traffic congestion. We need to attract more business in Hillsborough that can be successful in the long run, to broaden our tax base and eliminate so many empty storefronts, and relieve the tax burden on residents.
Jeff and Olivia are committed to long range planning to improve our township roads. There are too many potholes, too many thinly resurfaced roads in need of real repair. They will come up with a realistic plan that takes into account finances, priorities, road life-cycle, etc, and communicate this plan with residents.
Jeff and Olivia want to be our representatives serving us, the residents of Hillsborough, making Hillsborough a better community to live in. I am confident they can do the job. Join me in supporting their candidacy. Vote Column 1 on November 6th. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Anne Iannone