Jane Staats would be an asset to the school board

To the editor:

The purpose of this letter is to express my strong opinion about one of the people running for the board of education. I could not think of a more appropriate person than Jane Staats to sit on the board for multiple reasons.

First, as a teacher myself, I can recognize the importance of having former educators on the board so that they can provide a great perspective into what actually goes on in a school. I also recognize the importance of having dedicated individuals who truly care about sitting on that board as well. As one of Jane Staats’ former students I can honestly say that I have never learned or achieved more than when I was in her class. Not only was she a great teacher but she demonstrated every day just how much she cares about her students by the smile she had on her face or by the crazy earrings she would always wear.

I believe that if Jane Staats were elected she would provide insight on new policies or new procedures that would have a great effect on student achievement. Her moral compass, and her desire to give all students an equal opportunity for education make her the quintessential candidate to fill this position.

Words do not do justice to explain the impact Jane Staats has had on my life and education and it would be a blessing if she was given the opportunity to impact more students than just the ones she had in her classroom.

Please consider voting for Jane Staats for board of education.

Adam Berkowitz
