Julie Blake is an impressive candidate

To the editor:

My family has lived in Hopewell Township since 1968. I have seen a lot of elected officials from both parties in the township. Julie Blake really impresses me.

I met Julie on Pennington Day in May 2015. She was campaigning before the primary, working hard to meet as many people as possible. We had a good conversation. She was very nice, and wanted to know my thoughts about the township. I was pleased when she won in November 2015.

I have watched Julie on the township committee. I see her commitment to open space, fighting the PennEast pipeline, and fiscal common sense. I’ve worked with Julie in her role as the township committee’s liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission. She is practical and helpful. Her commitment to making the township a better place to live is clear to see.

Julie has done an outstanding job on the committee for the past three years. Knowledge and experience count, and she has both. But she is also a good person who really listens to everyone.

I proudly support Julie Blake for re-election to the Hopewell Township Committee. I hope you will, too.

Tracy Vogler

Hopewell Township

Note: Tracy Vogler is a member of the Historic Preservation Commission. She is speaking on her own behalf and not on behalf of the Historic Preservation Commission.