Debbie Linthorst will serve the community well

To the editor:

I support Debbie Linthorst for election to the Hopewell Valley Regional Board of Education. I’ve know Debbie for many years and worked closely with her on our church lay governance board and several key committees including finance and personnel. Debbie would be a valuable addition to our Board of Ed and I enthusiastically endorse her.

What impresses me most about Debbie is her concern, collaboration and commitment. Debbie channels her concern into action; she is a doer. That action, is informed by reaching out to others and listening closely so that she understands their concerns, along with her own good judgement. Debbie then works in collaboration with others to address these concerns and develop effective solutions. When she commits to a task, big or small, you can absolutely depend on her to get it done…and done well.

My family has a long and continuing interest in our Hopewell Valley schools. My wife Elizabeth taught in each of the four elementary schools during her 30 years of teaching; both of our daughters Meredith, ’98 & Abbey, ‘01 received a quality education which prepared them well for college and beyond; and I am a product of this school system as well (CHS ’65). We no longer have children in school, but want generations to come to receive the same quality education that has served our family so well.

I know first hand that Debbie has the ability to serve and am confident that she will work hard to insure quality education for our current Hopewell Valley students and future students to come. I urge you to give her your consideration and support.

Jim McGuire

Hopewell Township