Stop Menendez and his supporters. Vote Republican.

To the editor:

Bob Menendez seeking to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate, and the New Jersey Democratic Party endorsement of him, is the height of arrogance. Interestingly, this year’s Democratic candidates, from Congress on down to the local level, all seem to be running from Menendez, but none have gone as far as to renounce him, nor have they called upon him to repay the market value of all the improper gifts he received. They need to do both.

In April, a bi-partisan U.S. Senate Ethics Committee “severely” admonished Menendez, saying his relationship with Dr. Salomon Melgen broke Senate rules, federal law and “applicable standards of conduct.” The committee found that over a six-year period, Menendez knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value from Melgen without obtaining required committee approval, and failed to publicly disclose those gifts as required by Senate Rules and federal law. The committee also concluded that Menendez used his position as senator to advance Melgen’s personal and business interests.

On 67 counts of Medicare fraud, Melgen is now serving a 17-year sentence in federal prison. Just as the Democratic candidates have not renounced Menendez, Menendez has not renounced Melgan.

Enough is enough. Send Menendez and all Democratic candidates who haven’t renounced him a clear message. Vote Republican.

Ken Scherer

Hillsborough Republican Chairman
