Leonard Lance and the No Action Label

To the editor:

In 2018, Leonard Lance sends us campaign literature stating “Traffic is terrible.” He has proudly an endorsement by the No Labels Action group. However, it seems as if he has never driven on Route 206 south of the Somerville Circle. His body of work for the 7th District is better labeled as “No Action.”

Congressman Lance is also endorsed by The Tea Party Express as he has a “stellar record of advocating policies that encourage economic growth, job creation, fiscal responsibility and a less intrusive federal government.” While the Sacramento based Tea Party Express can state these ideals, New Jersey has effectively become a colony for Washington DC. Lance wraps himself with a ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Flag in a sad irony for us as his party’s senior leaders redistributes our states’ wealth to other areas of the country.

A measure of Lance’s ineffectiveness is the incomplete status of Rt. 206 south of the Somerville Circle which began construction 18 years ago. He says his fighting for us, but he is not winning for Hillsborough.

During his tenure Leonard Lance held the line with his party seniority by resisting highway funding from the 2009 Recovery Act. He failed to influence his party’s seniority to acquire grants or funding for this section of highway from 2010 to 2017. He grabbed a great photo opportunity with Chris Christie in 2013 when the Biondi Bypass opened – our road to no where. To add insult to injury New Jersey had to raise its gas tax to get the bulldozers moving in Hillsborough Township after a five-year pause.

New Jersey makes and Washington takes while Leonard Lance has taken no action. The Hillsborough bypass is meant to relieve traffic and generate new economic growth opportunities through a Hillsborough Town Center. Hillsborough and New Jersey needs a better rate of return from its federal representatives. We need to change lanes in this election.

Mike Cullinane
