Blake’s pragmatism and calm prove her measured leadership

To the editor:

I try to keep up to date about the news in Hopewell Valley. As an older resident with no children in the schools, I tune into the township committee meetings on TV and read the local papers.

Lately, though, all I come across is angry people berating Julie Blake and the rest of the  committee for doing their job. Anger expressed at meetings and in the Hopewell Valley News. Lately, the anger is directed toward the committee that has brought more than $112 million into the township; $112 million that will pay down our debt and keep our taxes from going up. That’s important to people in today’s economy. And yet for some people, $112 million isn’t good enough.

I like Julie Blake’s pragmatism. I like the calm way she deals with people yelling at her in the public part of meetings. I trust her to listen to other people and respond with thoughtfulness and intelligence. While the angry residents stomp their feet, Julie Blake gets down to the business of solving the difficult problems. Hopewell needs women such as Julie – smart, capable, compassionate leaders who put the public’s interest first.

Please join me in re-electing Julie Blake to the Hopewell Township Committee on November 6.

Deborah Cook

Hopewell Township