Julie Blake’s involvement a boon to the township

To the editor:

Locally in Hopewell Township we have a clear choice for whom to vote on November 6. Julie Blake, currently deputy mayor, knows how the township functions because of having served three years on the township committee. She has experience. She understands the budget process. She knows that the most important issue to most residents is keeping taxes under control.

Julie Blake has been on top of water quality issues that might affect Brandon Farms. She has been a leader on the planning of a community/senior center in the Valley. She has been involved in traffic meetings concerning the Pennington Circle. She has attended many meetings for the sole purpose of educating herself on what residents are concerned about. Although she works full-time as a school counselor, she takes time to answer every constituent letter she is sent. She holds periodic deputy mayor open door meetings, no appointments necessary.

Ms. Blake has been an ardent opponent of the PennEast pipeline since well before she was elected to the township committee because it aligns with her dedication to preserving our open space and natural resources.

Her opponent? I have no idea where he stands on anything.

Jani K. Rachelson

Hopewell Township