Independent candidate bids for seat on Red Bank council

RED BANK – Independent candidate Sue Viscomi is one of five residents seeking to claim two three-year terms on the Borough Council in Red Bank. Election Day is Nov. 6.

In addition to Viscomi, Republicans Allison Gregory and Michael Clancy, and Democrats Kate Trigianno and Hazim Yassin are running for office.

The Republican candidates are profiled in a separate article.

The Democratic candidates have not returned messages seeking comment about the election.

Viscomi said her goal, if elected, “is to keep raising the bar for everyone. For example, the League of Women Voters gave the candidates the opportunity to answer some questions about their intentions if elected. I was disappointed no other candidate for council participated.  

“If one is apathetic as to a simple request, how will they serve the community? When the next media outlet asked all of us questions, everyone answered. My goal will be to keep a watchful eye on spending. Many speak of great ideas, but do not propose how to fund them. Obtaining and implementing grants also costs money as most of the grants are matching grants, which means the other half will be coming out of our pockets,” she said.

Asked what she has learned from campaigning for office, Viscomi said, “Since January 2011, my goal was to serve this town when I could.  I have learned so much. For example, people care about and love this town and their neighbors. People do not want one party running the town, Democratic or Republican.

“People want to be represented to tackle many pertinent issues such as increasing taxes while services are being cut, and how to increase development without overwhelming our infrastructure. Residents want to move forward without losing Red Bank’s unique, inclusive community vibe,” she said.

Viscomi, the chief financial officer for National Parts Supply Inc., has been a member of the Red Bank Borough Public Schools Board of Education since 2010.

Viscomi serves on the board’s Policy, Public Relations and Negotiations Committee. She has been appointed to the Red Bank Library Board and the Animal Welfare Committee. Viscomi is a member of the Red Bank Borough Education Foundation.