Understanding the lifespan of hearing aid batteries

One of the most frustrating aspects of wearing hearing aids is realizing when your batteries are about to run out of life. Here are reasons why your battery life may not be lasting as long and some tips to prolong their usage.

  • Level of hearing loss. The hearing aids’ amplification strength provided to your ears depends on your level of loss. A higher level of hearing loss requires more amplification, which drains the batteries more quickly. It is important to always have extra batteries on you, no matter the level of hearing loss.
  • How you use your hearing aids. When adding on capabilities, such as wireless streaming to a mobile device for music, you increase the batteries drainage. Wireless streaming can increase the drain rate to a shocking 300 percent.
  • Weather and altitude. As seasons change, the fluctuation between hot and cold weather may affect a hearing aid battery’s functionality differently. Low humidity can cause higher battery drainage since batteries dry out faster. High humidity can lead to swelling and leakage, reducing battery life. For elevation, High elevation can cause batteries to reach their endpoints sooner from the reduced oxygen in the environment.
  • Taking batteries out at night. Leaving the batteries in a hearing aid when you are not using them causes them to drain faster. Remember to take them out at night before turning in.

Our hearing health professionals can teach you how to take care of your batteries to last longer. Visit American Hearing Centers in Holmdel by calling 732-639-1414 and make an appointment today.