Englishtown officials planning to improve water system

ENGLISHTOWN – The Englishtown Borough Council has introduced a bond ordinance appropriating $100,000 for water system capital improvements and services related to the development of an asset management plan.

Council members introduced the bond ordinance on Oct. 24. A public hearing on the ordinance is scheduled for Nov. 19. The council may adopt the ordinance that evening.

The bond ordinance, if adopted, will appropriate $100,000 for water system capital improvements and all services related to the development of a connected asset management plan. The ordinance authorizes the issuance of $100,000 in bonds or notes to cover the costs of the improvements and the asset management plan.

At the same time, council members passed a resolution establishing the water capital budget for 2018 to make note of the $100,000 project for water system capital improvements and the asset management plan.

In other business, council members accepted the resignation of Ed Miller, the part-time code official. Miller worked in Englishtown for 15 years. His final day was Oct. 22.

“Ed Miller has served Englishtown for the past 15 years with dedication and commitment,” the council’s resolution states. “The mayor and council regretfully accept the resignation from code official Ed Miller and wish him well.”

Council President Cecilia Robilotti and council members Maryanne Krawiec, Greg Wojyn, Lori Cooke and Eric Mann voted in favor of the action taken at the meeting. Councilman Dan Marter was absent.