Local talent performs in New Feathers

New Feathers, a theatrical reading series is preparing for their second night of three productions at the James A. Michener Art Museum in Doylestown, Pa.

Produced by John Augustine, Mandee K. Hammerstein and Greg T. Nanni, the productions offer local talent an opportunity to showcase their work. With a performance held on Nov. 1, the three-part series will continue with a snow-delayed performance on Dec. 6 and conclude on Dec. 20.

Established for emerging playwrights, New Feathers gives writers the opportunity to see their work onstage, but then offers local actors a stage to perform.

“We were chatting and one of Greg’s ideas was to start putting up readings of plays for more people in the area and using the talent out here,” said producer John Augustine. “Audiences will enjoy the simplicity of reading, which would be fun to eventually start more producing actual plays. But what is fun is that we can mix it up with all the various actors out here with all different levels of talent.”

Augustine feels what makes the New Feathers productions so special is the talent local people have and can bring to the stage.

“I am just so amazed by the talent,” he said. “Some of the people in these productions are school teachers and they have this enormous talent. But, of course, why not? If you don’t go and pursue something in one of the big towns, you go and get a real job; but you still have your talent. I love that it’s local people.”

The Dec. 6 production will include two plays Augustine wrote himself, as well as a third from local playwright John McDonnell from Doylestown.

“His play is called, ‘Secedin’ from Eden,’ and it’s his take on Adam and Eve, and God and the serpent. It’s a fun 30-minute play,” Augustine said.

Augustine’s plays are titled “PeopleSpeak” and “Celebrity.” Both are half-hour, one-act productions like McDonnell’s.

Starring in “Celebrity” are Clayton Prince, who is known for performances in “The Cosby Show,” “Hairspray” and “Dark Justice,” and Judith Lightfoot Clarke, known for her recent role in “How To Be Single.”

“Prince will be performing as Jonathan Alexander, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist opposite Clarke, who has assumed the role of Evelyn Biddle Carver, a status-obsessed real-estate agent,” Augustine said. “‘Celebrity’ will leave audiences asking the internal or external question, do I actually do that, do I have prejudicial or racist thoughts… or do I know someone like this or have I devalued somebody based on their being just a wife without a money job or just the partner of an important person.”

Joining Prince and Clarke on stage are actors, Tyler Horn, Meghan Malloy, Joey Perillo, David Levy, Sarah LeClair and Nyiema Lunsford.

New Feathers is expanding and soon will be accepting open submissions from all playwrights. Devoted to new works, New Feathers Productions is professionally produced for locals to get their work out there.

According to a press release, “New Feathers Productions purposefully presents an edgy, industry-inside view to the creative development process with skilled performers, playwrights and directors. New Feathers Productions aims to deliver a delightful and memorable mix of emotion-flexing, brain-teasing comedy, frank thought, post-conversation, while immersing participants in the experimental, theatrical process and encourages audience feedback to support new work.”

New Feathers will perform their second of three productions of their current season on Thursday, Dec. 6 and final production on Thursday, Dec. 20 at the James A. Michener Art Museum, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown, Pa. For the latest updates, visit the New Feathers Productions Facebook page at  Facebook.com/NewFeathersProductions or email: [email protected].