Towns will share costs of repairing Disbrow Hill Road

MILLSTONE – The Township Committee in Millstone Township has authorized a shared services agreement with neighboring Monroe Township for improvements to a road that borders both municipalities.

On Nov. 7, committee members authorized the agreement with Monroe Township for improvements to Disbrow Hill Road.

The resolution states that Disbrow Hill Road is in need of repair and that officials in both towns want to work cooperatively to undertake the improvements in a way that will provide cost savings to both municipalities.

According to Millstone officials, the estimated cost of the improvements is $80,000. Millstone will pay $52,000 (65 percent) and Monroe will pay $28,000 (35 percent).

In other business, the committee appointed Penny Danley-Gravatt to serve as the municipal court administrator when the regular municipal court administrator is unavailable. Danley-Gravatt will be paid $100 for a three-hour court session and an additional $25 for each hour or portion above three hours.